Monday, January 24, 2011 Y 12:14 AM

Hello everyone.
How are you all doing?

CNY is coming up soon.
This means we're planning another visit to Mr Cheng's house.

UPDATE: It will be on 12 Feb, Saturday, at 11am.
UPDATE 2: Meet at Yew Tee MRT at 11am.
UPDATE 3: Also, we will be having lunch at Mr Cheng's house.

If you see this update, please help inform the others in the list below.

If you're interested in going, please inform me.

A list of names of those interested:

- Qixiang
- Gabriel
- Shunhao
- Madeline
- Yuting
- Stefano
- Peiqin
- Wenkang
- Malar
- Siewhoon
- Marilyn

(If you want to go but are not on this list, or if you are on this list but are not going, then please inform me. I will add/delete accordingly.)
